Thursday, January 15, 2009

Veritas Netbackup Client Installation

Netbackup client needs to be installed on the server that you need to create backup.

For Linux

1. Check if netbackup client exist

# rpm -qa | grep nbu

2. If none yet, install the netbackup client rpm package

# rpm -ivh SYSnbuc-6.0-4.i386.rpm (or the name of the package)

3. Edit bp.conf

# cd /usr/openv/netbackup
# vi bp.conf (remove everything and put your backup server's hostname)

SERVER = hostname

4. Create exclude_list file. This will exclude the specified file or dir from the backup. See example below.
[root@hostname] cat exclude_list
#Sparse file that can take 45 mins to process.
#2.6 kernel introduces the /sys tree which cannot be backed up

5. Check route of client to netbackup server

# netstat -rn (check routing table of the client)
If the route from the client to to backup server doesn't exist, create the static route, example below.

route add -net netmask gw

Add this to your /etc/rc.local/ to add route during boot up.

# ssh backup_server (connect to backup server via ssh)
# ping backup_client

For Sun Solaris 8/10

1 Check if there's netbackup client installed - check if there's /opt/openv or /usr/openv
2. if none exist, install the package
# pkgadd -d . netbackcl

3. Edit bp.conf
# cd /usr/openv/netbackup/
# vi bp.conf (remove everything and put below entry)

SERVER = hostname

4. create exclude_list file

For Solaris 8:


For Solaris 10:

#Start of OS standard excludes
#End of OS standard excludes
#Host specific excludes below

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